A strange amazing day that comes only once every four years. For the rest of the time it does not “exist.”
In mundane terms, it marks a “leap” in time, when the calendar is adjusted to make up for extra seconds accumulated over the preceding three years due to the rotation of the earth. A day of temporal tune up!
But this day holds another secret—it contains one of those truly rare moments of delightful transience and light uncertainty that only exist on the razor edge of things, along a buzzing plane of quantum probability...
A day of unlocked potential.
Will you or won't you? Should you or shouldn't you?
Use this day to do something daring, extraordinary and unlike yourself. Take a chance and shape a different pattern in your personal cloud of probability! –Vera Nazarian
I've had this idea kind of rattling around in my brain for a while of doing something special on Leap Day. I was thinking of saving my 700th post on Leap Day and having a little giveaway. But I couldn't hold out that long so I decided to combine the two and use my 700th post to announce a giveaway, blog hop style, for Leap Day.
Disclaimer: I did a really quick Google to make sure I wasn't stepping on anyone's toes who was already hosting a blog hop giveaway. I wasn't sure if one of those quilty crafty blogs with a zillion followers had already come up with the idea and figured that it would be right up there at the top of the Google list if there was one. I didn't see much going on in the way of Leap Day giveaways out there, so I'm taking the leap {pun totally intended, I kill myself with the puns

Here's how it works:
• Choose something to give away on Leap Day. Keep it simple. You can make something, give away a bit of your stash, offer a service, buy your favorite gadget to give away or offer something completely non-crafty. Your blog, you choose.
• To participate in the blog hop, your giveaway must start and end on Leap Day {February 29, 2012} in your time zone. You can open it at 10:00 am and close it at 10:00 pm, or go midnight to midnight, or anything in between. Your blog, your rules.
• Your giveaway winner does not have to be announced on Leap Day, but should be notified within a reasonable amount of time.
• Post your giveaway and then link up here. Please remember to link to your specific post {instructions here}. Please also include the Leap Day Giveaway button {code found below} somewhere in your giveaway post.
• The linky will open at noon MST on February 28th and close at 10:00 am MST on March 1st, to allow for people in different time zones to participate.
• If you want to include the linky tool on your giveaway post then others can link up from your blog and it will automatically update in every location the linky is posted. The code is available here or under the linky below. If you choose to add the linky to your post, you MUST include the above rules so that it is fair play for all.
• Consider changing your comment settings to the pop-up window option for faster and easier commenting for all the visitors who'll be stopping by your blog. Instructions can be found here.
I know that Leap Day is still a week away, so what do you do in the meantime? First off, decide what you're going to give away. You can even write your post and schedule it to appear at 12:00 am on the 29th. And second, please spread the word. It will be a very lonely linky party if it is just me giving a little something away. Post about it, add the buttons to your sidebar, mention it to everyone you know, pressure your friends into joining. Just kidding about those last two. Sort of.
I hope you'll join me in what I think will be a really fun day of giveaways!

Oh I love this idea count me in. Now what do I give away?
Richard Healey
I'll be participating as well. Now to plan what little goodie I'll be giving away.....
*wonders if anyone can smell the smoke as her brain begins to chug away*
Oh I am in! I am going to giveaway a traveling stash box. This way the winner can keep what they want, and then it can keep on giving all year long, on the 29th of each month of course! Thanks!
Oooh I am soo excited! I have been looking to do a giveaway of a handknit bunny I made and some local made easter sweets, (bag of jelly beans or a chocolate or two) and my mom showed me this link, so it must be fate!
Thank you for hosting this!
Hmmmmmm, maybe I will find some Magic Starch to give away. :)
Very cute idea! I'm not sure yet whether I'll participate, but I will definitely give it some thought.
What a great idea! Count me in!
Sounds like fun!
Okay - I'm in!!!
Count me in too!
Take care, Leslie
Oh what fun! I'm in! Isn't neat that this only happens once every four years? Anne Marie, I like the idea of a stash box leaving out...they are so fun. I will definitely put my name in the hat at your site. If you check out my site you will see that a rug mug will definitely leave my house along with a few other uniquely Lousiana items. Fun group so far!
Congratulatiuons on your 700th post. I'm going to play also.
Sounds like fun.
I've decided to plunge in and try this and have decided on my giveaways- sounds like it will be fun
I'm in! Got the button added to my side bar and my post scheduled for midnight. Thanks for thinking this up! :-)
It sounds like it will be fun. I will find something around here to giveaway. Glad I saw it on richards site. Cannot wait for the dayy to get here, but I better get to it.
Grabbed your leap day button and I am linking up with a giveaway too!
Thanks for hosting!
This will be fun!
I just saw this today and luckily I have a little project that I made to give away. Thanks for hosting!
Hi! I just popped over from another blog to read about the Leap Day Giveaway.. Sounds like fun! I'm a new follower. Nice to *meet* you. :o) I might have to come back and join the hop.
Thanks for the giveaway! My daighter would love it! lilsis_75@hotmail.com
Joined your Blog Hop! What a great idea!
Pauline, the Quilting Queen sent me over and I'm all linked up #44. I've never done this kind of Blog hop where the Mr Linky shows on everyone's Blog post. This will be fun to see how many comments we get in one day. My Post went live this AM at 2:29.
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