I'm really excited to share the use of my Go! Fabric Cutter with the two winners of this giveaway. Winning a Go! was so much fun for me; much too good not to share. I wish I had a Go! to give away too, but a bit of sharing mine will have to do.
The two winners of this giveaway will send me their fabrics and I'll send it back all cut up and ready to sew in their choice of 2" or 4" {finished} squares, 2" {finished} half-square triangles, Dresdens, Hexies or Drunkard's Path, up to a whole quilt's worth. I think everybody wins – I get to play with my Go! and two people get a quilt's worth of tedious cutting done.
And now, the good stuff. The first winner, drawn by Grasshopper:
Congratulations to

who said, Awesome giveaway! Have lots of scraps to be cut into hexies. You tell me how to prep the fabric so most convenient, and away we can go! Thank you for the offer. You are so welcome, Marcia! Check out this awesome Hexie tutorial {part 1, part 2 and part 3} and then let's get down to business.
And LadyBug's pick:
who said, Such a great idea! I'm all about trying a Dresden plate, but somehow just never got around to trying it out. Deb, check out this pretty Dresden Sunflower quilt {by Eleanor Burns}. That's what I'm talking about

I hopped over to Deb's blog for a quick visit, and today is her lucky day. She's just won a Go! cutter of her very own. So, in the event that she decides to get her own Dresden die instead of going with my giveaway, I've picked an alternate winner. I'll keep that under my hat for now, but just know I've got the bases covered

Deb and Marcia please check your inboxes

And I'd like to send a big thank you to everyone who entered my giveaways

Congratulations to both of you!! =) I am still wishing for a GO! myself. =)
What a fun giveaway and how generous of you as well.
Congrats for the winners!
Congratulations to you both and thanks for hosting Elizabeth. It's always so much fun to enter your giveaways!
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