This summer my youngest sister got married. The wedding was on July 31st. On July 27th I decided that I was making dresses for my sister {not the one getting married or the one who was the matron of honor}, my sister-in-law and me. It was a brilliant plan, really, but I was up to my elbows making vests for the little boys, which left me . . . not enough time to finish all three dresses. I knew it would be a stretch, but that I could finish two of them in the time I had, so I had to prioritize. Of course, I couldn't make my dress and leave one of my sisters without, so I decided that I'd make theirs and then worry about mine later. And later has come

Sunday was the Primary Program and I was kind of in charge. It was the perfect opportunity for a new dress. A dress that was all cut out and waiting to be finished. As is my usual modus operandi, I procrastinated to the very last minute, finishing it at about 1:15 Saturday night/Sunday morning. [Editor's Note: part of my procrastination tactic this time was to spend three hours on Saturday with the Little Bugs sorting, de-junking, cleaning out and completely organizing their toy area, which turned out to be a brilliant bit of avoidance as it eliminated one of the major things on my list of boring, but necessary chores — wohoo

I have to pause here and note that although I got tons of compliments on my dress, I felt a little bit out of place when I looked around and saw everyone wearing their pretty fall-colored cardigans at church yesterday. You see, the temperatures have dropped and the leaves have changed and it is officially fall. It started raining late Saturday morning and pretty much hasn't let up. My shiny, springy, turquoise dress didn't really fit in with all the navy and burgundy and olive and pumpkin everyone else was wearing

In garment construction, zippers are one of the most difficult things to conquer. I was one of those people who thought I'd be 30 and still calling my mom to come and put the zipper in for me. Lucky for me, my mom got tired of doing zippers for me so she showed me how way before I hit 20

One last thing: a close up of my 4" bronze, [faux] reptile skin, super pointy-toed stillettos. I think they'd do The Shoeologist proud.
I think the dress is very pretty and who cares what everyone else wore! I say show up in bright colors and wow everyone!
Good job with the zipper - I have never liked doing zippers.
Cute Cute! Now you will have to find a reason for all 3 of you to wear your dresses somewhere together. ;)
Oh and BTW, being a shoe addict myself, I noticed the shoes before I looked at the dress. :}
The shoes are fab! Love!
Great job on the dress! I have always been intimidated by invisible zippers and have never tried one. You've given me courage.
You posted this to taunt me because I cant do zips...
Your dress is absolutely gorgeous as is the pretty young thing wearing the dress. Those shoes are INSANE. Do you get nosebleeds when you wear them?
So glad you finally did something pretty for yourself. Way To go Chicky!
What a lovely did an amazing job and look fantastic!
It's BEAUTIFUL!!! And those shoes...if I were to put them on I would break my ankle for sure!
I'm sorry about your iron. Mine recently died too but I got a really cool new one so I wasn't sad!
I completely agree with wearing Spring colors in the fall--and I love the color of this dress. Besides, isn't "mint" a common winter treat? So maybe you're ahead of the season, not behind : ). The style is great too--I love the puffy sleeves, my favorite.
I LOVE that color, and the shoes! Didn't they just finish Fashion Week where everyone presented their new spring collections? You are totally right on track. I had my mom do my zippers until yesterday. And I'm 27. But I've done two on my own in 2 days, so I'm feeling proud. On to the invisible zip!
Love the dress and the shoes! Your umbrella is color coordinated too. I can't remember the last time I wore a dress...or heels, but for me, that's not a bad thing. You've got nice legs. Me, not so much.
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