Today is the last day of my week of giveaways. I've been planning it for a whole year and it has been so much fun to roll out the giveaways and see your responses. I have really enjoyed reading your comments and seeing your excitement at my offerings.
Just one little housekeeping thing. I have all your comments/giveaway entries e-mailed to me. Unless you specify in your profile settings, the e-mail will not include your e-mail address so that I can contact you directly if you win. Unless I know who you are and where to find you, you must update your profile to include your e-mail address or leave your contact info in your comment. I have gone through and deleted any comments with no contact information {so sorry!}. So, if you've entered a giveaway, double check to make sure your comment/entry is still there. If it is gone, the reason is I have no way to get a hold of you if you win. The "no-reply blogger" button below gives instructions on how to set your e-mail preferences.
Now for the fun stuff. Today's giveaway is a gift pack of tools and gadgets for machine quilting. Behold:
Today's giveaway includes:
• A cute little decorated tin holding 200 size 1 curved safety pins with easy grip covers.
• A Kwik-Klip tool to help fasten the safety pins.
• A blue fine-point water soluble marking pen.
• A white fine-point water soluble marking pen {love this pen!}.
• A package of 5 universal quilting needles {size 90/14}.
• Machine quilting gloves in your size {to improve your grip; not pictured}.
The Fine Print:
• You can enter each giveaway during the week only once. However if you spread the word about my week of giveaways by posting on your blog and sending people on over to check it out, you can have one additional entry on one giveaway of your choice. After you post on your blog, leave a comment on my giveaway post for which you'd like a second entry with a link to your post. Please make sure to include my giveaway button somewhere in your post.

• Non-blogging/non-Google users and international entrants are welcome.
• If you do not have a Google account, use the name/url {url optional} commenting option and make sure you leave your e-mail in your comment in the following format: address (at) domain name (dot) com.
• Comments with no contact information will be deleted.
• Google account users: not sure if your contact information will be attached to your comment? Click here:
• Duplicate comments will be deleted. Comment moderation is on, so don't panic when your comment doesn't show up. I'm notified of new comments and will approve them periodically each day, after which they'll show up on the post.
• The giveaway will close at 10:00 pm {MST} on Thursday, January 19th. Winner will be chosen by random drawing and notified by e-mail and announced here by noon January 21st.
Good luck!
Week of Giveaways Directory:
• Embroidery Gift Pack
• Backyard Baby Fat Quarter Bundle
• $50 Long-Arm Machine Quilting Gift Certificate
• Polka-Dot Quilt
I've used those clips in a class, but don't have any of my own... I'd LOVE some!!!
I blogged about this giveaway!
What a great giveaway! I don't think you can ever have too many tools and those are perfect for everyone. Thanks for the opportunity to enter the giveaway!!
Happy, happy birthday!!!!
I've never seen those easi-grip covers for curbed pins . Ingenious...
Have you been having a fun week. I've enjoyed popping over to see all your giveaway loveliness !
LOL Love the quote! :-) I hope you've had a wonderful birthday! Thank you for all the fun!
I'm new to quilting. These tools will be very useful to me. Thanks :)
Is the week realy almost over? Oh I hate when good things come to a end. Happy b-day again and happy give away week.
Thank you for another wonderful giveaway. I hope you have a great Birthday.
I always enjoy your quotes - thank you and I like the look of those pins. I have never seen those before. have a great weekend.
Yes - I have a notion - or rather you have tons of notions. :) That's quite a nice goodie basket!
Thank you for the chance to win. I am not the best machine quilter for sure. But with all those gadgets, I could probably do a better job? Hopefully. :P
Cathy Byrd
byrd at
Thank you and once again Happy Birthday!
Wow, that's a great prize package! Count me in!!
I am going to try machine quilting... soon...very soon! This would certainly help me get started! Thanks again for including us in on your birthday celebration!
I would be happy to give those gadgets a new home. I promise to take good care of them.
Great choice of tools. I haven't tried the clip pins yet. Are they easy to use?
Machine quilting is something that I definitely want to learn, and this prize pack of notions would be a great help in learning!! thank you for the chance to win!! :-)
What a great prize. This is definitely one I would love to win as one of my goals for this year is to try machine quilting. I have never done any so I think I will start small (mug rug) and work my way up.
I hope you have enjoyed this week as much as I have.
Happy birthday and blogiversary.
I hop you're having a wonderful birthday week!
Those pins in the tin are just gorgeous, may your birthday week be full of all you wish for :)
I want to try machine quilting this year, so those items would be just perfect! Thanks again, this was a fun week. Hope you have a wonderful birthday too!
Be blessed
wow, it gets better every day.
Thanks great giveaway, oh I would like to win ☺
Have a nice weekend!
I have never seen those pins before...great invention, I need some! Great week of fun stuff, thanks.
What fun!
Another great giveaway - thank you!
The quilting tools are such a great idea! Thanks for such a fun giveaway.
This is an awesome giveaway, I did post on my sidebar on Tuesday I think. You should be getting gifts instead of giving them. I hope you family treats you wonderfully on your B day!!
This might be just what I need to finally bite into the whole machine quilting thing! You are just so dang generous!
What an awesome giveaway! I'm getting into quilting so this would be a wonderful win for me. Thanks! :)
Hey E! More cool stuff! Pick me! Pick me! (Hand in the air, jumping up and down.) ;-)
I've never seen the grip clips before...such a cool picture it makes too. I'm a pin baster and never seem to have enough pins in the house!
It is amazing the tools you see on giveaways that you have never seen before.. these are awesome!
Happy birthday! Thanks for the great giveaway!
What a wonderful week of giveaways. Love this prize package. I am so thankful to bloggers who provide so much information and keep us up to date on the quilting industry.
Interesting safety pins - easy grip covers? Great idea! Thanks!
I'd love to win these!
This is a great giveaway and fits perfectly with my 2012: The Year of Free Motion Quilting theme.
I've never seen the covered pins before! Thanks for a chance at the giveaway.
Using those pins would make basting a bit more fun! They are so pretty. I haven't used that type before. Thanks for another great giveaway.
What a great giveaway! Those clips look like they would be great to use!
Count me in please! Thanks. I don't quilt yet but i very much plan too.
For my second entry, I have blogged about it
This would be a great win for me, since I'm trying the free motion quilting this year. Thanks for the chance to win these super tools.
What a great giveaway of tools today. I'm just learning to do some machine quilting and would love to try the gloves.
Thank you for a great and generous giveaway and the chance to win. I hope you had a great birthday. Thanks for celebrating with us.
Terrific giveaway. Thanks for the chance to win.
Cool pins! I need those...
What a week with great giveaways! I have a fabric like the top of the tin box, and love it!
I'd love to use those tools on my next quilt! THANKS for the chance!
Hurray for a giveaway! You make amazing things!
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