–Ambrose Bierce
361 is the number of days since the company Mr. Bug was working for downsized and completely eliminated his department, and therefore his job.
361 is the number of days I've been anxious, more-so than usual, about every penny we spend.
361 is the number of days we've been without health insurance.
361 is the number of days that no one in my family has had strep throat, ear infections, broken bones, gaping wounds requiring stitches or anything else that would require a trip to the doctor's office or emergency room.
361 is the number of days that I have been counting every blessing, grateful for what we have.
361 is the number of days that I have put my trust in my Heavenly Father that even though I couldn't see what is ahead, He is mindful of me.
361 is the number of days that my faith, hope and patience were tested and cultivated.
362 marks the day that Mr. Bug starts a new job.
362 marks the day that I can stop holding my breath.
362 marks the day that we start a new chapter in our lives.
362 is a good number.
And 313 is the exact number of minutes I waited after hearing the news to shop for a little bit of fabric

Congratulations! And what a relief. :) Do tell more about the fabric purchase.
I am happy for you and 362!
How wonderful for you all... may the non-need for medical attn long continue!
I love reading your blog! So glad Mr Bug is back to work. Congratulations on surviving. I'd have been tempted to wrap the kids in bubble wrap so they didn't get hurt. Lane
I'm exhaling with you! This is wonderful news after such a tense 361 days.
And I second that the non-need for medical attention continue! No need to rush out and break a leg or anything.
ooooh, fabric celebration. happy happy!
Oh Elizabeth I'm so happy for you all. What a relief. Congratulations to Mr. Bug on the new job (and to you for being able to buy fabric without feeling guilty)
Onwards and upwards from here Chickee!Hoping for fabulous things in your immediate future. Glad you can breathe egain.
I'm glad to hear the great news. I'm celebrating with you :)
I just started reading your blog. So glad to hear of day 362 - hope all the rest are like that. Thanks for sharing.
Hooray for good news!!!
So so happy for you and your family. And I can't wait to see your new acquisitions!
That is soooooooooooooooo awesome...I am so happy for you. I can only imagine what a stress and worry it has been for you.....ahhhhhhhhh now you can breathe.
I am glad to hear that things are looking up for you and your family. We have gone through that with strikes and it is hard, especially when you lose insurance and have kids.
Congratulations! And I had to smile at the end of your post - how funny that our thoughts turn to fabric at such times!
congrats; such fantastic news! I loved this post!
Well that is the best news ever. I've been admiring you all along for your strength and grace as you lived through this year! Nothing like being able to breathe again!Hurrah for fabric and health insurance...hard to live without either of them. :)
So glad for your family's health and saftey. Greatful for your personal growth and strength and so happy for the new job and the chance to move forward once again. Bless your family ever more.
Congratulations! My job is going away the end of April and I've already been thinking about all those things. I don't think I can keep my house for that long though! We always have to remember that God is in control - His timing is perfect even when we don't understand! God Bless!
Wow! I can't believe you didn't mention this yesterday!!!
(and sorry I was a few days behind on blog reading!)
My husband has been out of work for a long time, too. I don't want to count the days, though! :(
So happy for you.
Congrats again to you. I'm so glad you let me know the other day. I hope to hear more about it soon and to hear that he's enjoying the new opportunities. Congrats congrats congrats.
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